2012年2月22日 星期三

Power hour @ Pure Centrium with Claudia

     Think I still have a long way to go. Yoga practice takes time, although some people tend to be more flexible or powerful. Couldn't achieve Asana(pose) like Eight-Angle pose (Astavakrasana) and hand stand today, just to name a few.
     Claudia is a good instructor in a way that she has great sense of humor yet she 's quite strict on certain poses. She demonstrated almost all the poses and tried to get us fulfill the difficult ones by teaching step-by-step. 

     Takeaways from today's practice:The Ujjayi breath really helps bringing the strength and power from inner body. I know this sounds a bit crazy, but I can actually feel the "chi" and power flowing over my flesh. In the past, when I was not so devoted to yoga, I gave up easily on tiring poses and often doubted the possibility of achieving them. However, at one moment the door to "real" yoga opened, so I became a humble student and true believer of yoga. Taking Ujjayi breath (deep breath), both through the nose, not the mouth generates energy and helps us to focus on the breath. In this way we stay longer in the pose, much longer than we could've imagine.

     Quote of the day:Power and balance play equal importance in the Yoga practice.

Let us bow to ourselves for today's practice, namaste. 

