2012年2月25日 星期六

Hot hour@ Pure Yoga Central with Timothy

知道是我進步了,還是今天的老師排的體位順序較簡單,這是我做過最輕鬆的一堂 Hot Hour。在課程開始時Timothy 要我們心中設定一個對象或目標,而我給自己訂的目標是:專注呼吸。 說來輕鬆簡單的一個目標,我卻在最後十分鐘(自己推估)前功盡棄,開始想到工作以及明天爸媽要來訪的種種事情。呼吸這種我們每天都在進行,而且不能間斷太久否則有生命危險的一個簡單動作,其實可以帶來比想像中更多的能量。但是要完全專注在當下,集中精神在一吸一吐卻非想像中容易。"你記得你早上出門前鞋子是先穿上哪一脚嗎? "這是我多年前參加優人神鼓的坐禪活動時,指導員問我們的第一個問題。當時大家都傻了,看似簡單的一個問題卻把幾乎所有人都難倒。我們太在意生活中的其他事情,太習慣忙碌,太把人生看得複雜;卻無法回答這樣一個簡單的,日日重複的問題。明明是要寫瑜珈日記,怎麼扯到這邊來,言歸正傳。
          Hot Yoga 又稱Bikram Yoga,是以創始者Bikram Choudhury為名的,在高溫底下進行的一連串體位法練習。
          動作很多源自Hatha Yoga,而透過高溫中進行的方式達到身體大量排汗,促進新陳代謝,以及鍛煉意志力   
          的作用。我今天在課堂上練習了上面圖示中的大部分體位法,但不一定按照圖中的順序。以前在Pure Yoga                 
          台北時我很不喜歡上Hot Hour,因為很多老師都照本宣科,完全按照上圖的順序和動作來教。不過因為Hot 

          Timothy算是那種親力親為,溫柔指導的老師(雖然他渾身都是tatoo :P)。我喜歡他在許多主要體位法結束後
          以站立前彎 Uttanasana以及Downward Facing dog 做為收尾和休息,或許也是因為這樣,這堂課讓我感覺

          Today's takeaway: Focusing on the breath is tough, but it can bring energy to help us reach further, both 
          to our minds and physical limits. 

          Let us bow to ourselves for today's practice, namaste.

          P.S. 我本來只想打幾句交差了事的,居然又胡言亂語了一堆...希望明天可以順利早起去訂電影節的票。

2012年2月22日 星期三

瑜珈解剖書 Yoga Anatomy



" 從某個角度來看,瑜珈是一種揭露並且清除人體系統障礙的練習,而體位法則是面對這些障礙的方法。這裡會提出每個體位法最常見的障礙,以及克服它們的一些實用建議。" ---引自書中


Power hour @ Pure Centrium with Claudia

     Think I still have a long way to go. Yoga practice takes time, although some people tend to be more flexible or powerful. Couldn't achieve Asana(pose) like Eight-Angle pose (Astavakrasana) and hand stand today, just to name a few.
     Claudia is a good instructor in a way that she has great sense of humor yet she 's quite strict on certain poses. She demonstrated almost all the poses and tried to get us fulfill the difficult ones by teaching step-by-step. 

     Takeaways from today's practice:The Ujjayi breath really helps bringing the strength and power from inner body. I know this sounds a bit crazy, but I can actually feel the "chi" and power flowing over my flesh. In the past, when I was not so devoted to yoga, I gave up easily on tiring poses and often doubted the possibility of achieving them. However, at one moment the door to "real" yoga opened, so I became a humble student and true believer of yoga. Taking Ujjayi breath (deep breath), both through the nose, not the mouth generates energy and helps us to focus on the breath. In this way we stay longer in the pose, much longer than we could've imagine.

     Quote of the day:Power and balance play equal importance in the Yoga practice.

Let us bow to ourselves for today's practice, namaste.